The beauty of Comodo island (Indonesia)

The Beauty of KOMODO, A Living Beast of Indonesia

Komodo Island is The New 7 Wonders of The World

I am dedicating this article to support Komodo Island for Real 7 Wonders of The World, and hoping that everyone who read this will suddenly fall in Love with the Beauty of its nature, sandy pink beach, fresh air, crystal blue sea, colorful birds, ecosystem and the people who lives around Komodo Island. God really bless Indonesian people by giving us, something I could say “a piece of heaven on earth”

Komodo in the beach, welcoming tourists

Entering Komodo Island, all the adventure and diving atmosphere suddenly will touch your skin and burn your spirit. Nothing but enthusiasm and excitement will follow you. Do not forget to bring your best friends together exploring the beauty of Komodo Island

Touched down Komodo island by early morning is the perfect time to take a fresh air which we rarely got from Jakarta or those people who lives in metropolitan city.

Well, as far as our eyes could see, our five senses are pampered by the beauty of the God ’s painting. If we use a cruise ship, we can sit in the front-dock while relaxing and enjoying the fresh breeze that gently touch our faces. Arriving at the port, do not forget to take pictures and document the scenery. The journey to the ancient paradise just started.
The Beauty of KOMODO, A Living Beast of Indonesia
Left Right:Komodo Island a head away - The Cruise Ship - A Bridge into Komodo National Park

Left Right: Komodo Island ahead away - The Cruise Ship - A Bridge into Komodo National Park

From The Port, we walked thru the bridge heading to Komodo reserve office inside Komodo National Park. As a tourist, if we want to enter and explore the nest of Komodo, we must follow certain rules and direction from the local ranger about the details of the nature reserve area of ​​Komodo, the track paths, the various things we need to know about Komodo, plus do & don’t rules when we meet Komodo dragons.
Left Right : Welcome to Komodo Island - Briefing from Ranger - Keep Silent in Komodo Nest

Left Right : Welcome to Komodo Island - Briefing from Ranger - Keep Silent in Komodo Nest

Left Right: Komodo in Reservation Park - A Woodstick to defense from Komodo - Only Ranger allow to hold the stick

Left- Right: Komodo in Reservation Park - A Woodstick to defense from Komodo - Only Ranger allow to hold the stick

Besides the beauty of Komodo National Park Reservation, we can also visit the Pink Beach, one of the best locations for snorkeling and diving. This beach can be pink or reddish due to the number of red coral beaches surrounding it, as to the pink colored sands on the beach formed by the dead red Corals.
The Beautiful Sandy Pink Beach

The Beautiful Sandy Pink Beach
Left Right :Pink Sands - Komodo Dragon is A good Swimmer

Left-Right : Pink Sands - Komodo Dragon is A good Swimmer

BEAUTIFUL … Isn’t it? More than words can say …. One of God’s Masterpiece which fallen to earth. Let us always preserve and support the Komodo Dragon Komodo Island as The Real 7 Wonders. I love Indonesia and proud to lives in Nusantara Archipelago.
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